Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Never be afraid to dream BIG!

Last year, I was fortunate enough to watch the girls make it to the Final Four and that was amazing!  They were so close to making it to the final two but it just wasn't their year.  Not their time.  Not just yet...

I remember sitting at the Meigs Co. Fair talking to parents and telling them that I believed that they would make it back there this year.  That we would get another chance to "Rock the Schott".  But of course, only time would tell...

The first game I was able to attend this year just happened to be Dec. 28th when we hosted Zanesville Roscrans.  The gym was PACKED!  There was barely any room to move.  It was exciting to see so many out to support our lady eagles.  And watching our girls play...wow.  It was liking watching a college team.  They were running plays and making everything look so easy.  Amazing.  I remember a pass that Jordan threw to a team mate was missed because she wasn't quite ready for it.  When it hit the wall, the loud boom echoed throughout the gym.  Lesson learned...when Jordan throws a pass, you'd better be ready to catch it.   

The Roscrans coaching staff was going crazy throughout the first quarter trying to figure out how to stop our girls.  During the second quarter, they just stood there stunned with their mouths hanging open.  They eventually did sit down with a look of exasperation on their faces.  The same thing happened at the beginning of the third period. Roscrans coaches were frantically yelling at their players but without result.  (They sat down much sooner this time.)  They seemed to watch in stunned silence.  Who would've thought that we would meet them again?  


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